Dulce de-licious

You're looking at some makeshift dulce de leche. While it didn't taste quite as delicious as it appears, the sultry Central/South American delight made for an interesting dessert. I'd give it at least a B+.
For those just checking in, yesterday I boiled a can--well, a jar--of condensed, sweetened milk. It's really easy. You just submerge it in a sauce pan and heat until it boils. Then you lower the flame and simmer for three hours. After letting it cool, refrigerate it for an hour.
I got the idea from a New York Times Magazine article on dulce de leche (cleverly titled "Got Leche?"). Of course, had I taken the time to read the entry on condensed milk in our food bible, On Food and Cooking--as the Spoonstress did--I would have found the same tactic. That book (see the link to the right) has the answer to everything food-related. Here is where I'm required by the American Department of Commerce to say "it's never too early to start shopping for that holiday gift."

But back to the dulce. It's meant to be spreadable and spread we did. The Spoonstress procured two kinds of cookies for the occasion--simple butter and Keebler fudge stripes. The former knocked the socks off those Keebler Elves.
Our friends Kath and Ed, who were over for dinner, seemed to enjoy the occasion. Ed recalled eating a similar concoction in Honduras, where he spent some of his childhood. He also remembered his dad foregoing the cookie and going at the sweet with a spoon. Now that's dulce!
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