Preliminary Banana Guard Results
As I mentioned earlier, my upcoming newspaper column will discuss food-related gifts. Here's an update on the the testing of one item.
The Spoonstress speaks:
(Note: In addition to being my wife, The Spoonstress is a clinical research associate in the Department of Psychiatry at UNC Chapel Hill.)
I am happy to report that the Banana Guard performed well yesterday on its first trial run. After a two-mile hike to work in my backpack, the banana remained completely trauma-free.

Several co-workers commented on the Guard and some wondered how it would really hold up in a more rigorous test. We determined there is a need for a controlled trial, which my colleagues and I are well prepared to design and implement.
We will have three groups: a banana subjected to trauma with no Guard; a banana subjected to the same trauma with Guard; a control banana, subjected to no trauma. We are submitting an application for funding and these things take time... Please check back on this blog for updates about results and publications (The American Journal of Produce Protection?).
P.S. I call dibbs on the control banana when it comes time to eat them!
Curious to see how you design this study. Will all bananas be carried in the same bag on the same hike to work? If so, how will you allow for the increased beating the naked banana will get from its armored cousin? (And how will you keep others from eating the control banana until the study is complete?)
So, I told the roomies about the banana guard, and for the past three days it has come up during every mealtime conversation at least once. So, we'll be interested in finding out if it really works.
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