Monday, July 30, 2007

Pop Up

Here at the Forkquarters, the (popped) corn is as high as an elephant's eye. Day and night, I've been experimenting with different varieties. I've basically been playing with food.

I need to finish my experiments soon, because the next F & S column (on popcorn), runs on Wednesday. Better keep this short!

The last few days I've tested through many varieties. The Greek Popcorn recipe was particularly tasty, but has structural problems. Distributing the feta is an issue, with most of it usually ending up at the bottom of the bowl. I'm still trying to figure that one out.

More successful--barbecue popcorn (seen to the right). Now before you rush out to light the charcoal, this isn't popcorn cooked on a grill. It's popcorn dressed as barbecue potato chips. You can try to make your own concoction of spices, but I find the premade mix of mesquite flavoring or something like that works just as well.

OK, I'm off to try a few more ideas...



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