Pop Goes the Horchata
I'm often let down by the store's more outlandish concoctions--cinnamon blueberry was the latest culprit--but the horchata was love at first lick. Its milky-cinnamon-almond flavors did a little meringue in my mouth. I should have known that an enterprise modeled on Mexican paletas would nail horchata popsicles.
Like most summer flings, however, it was fleeting. I called Locopops today to see if they still had them.
When would they be back? "Probably not for a long time, because we just had them," the chipper clerk said in what at the time seemed to be a mocking tone. In hindsight, she was just being informative.
what?!?! they don't have horchata anymore? you're breaking my heart, forkster. say it isn't so. did you try calling all three locations???
'Fraid so. But they'll be back...eventually.
I had the Red Hot flavored locopop yesterday & it was a hit! It's creamy base made the difference. More proof that red hots need to be an ice cream option. but you gotta go now as the forkster warns.
I did want to note to those lucky enough to be ordering two popiscles - 1 cream based & 1 water based at the same time. You should eat the cream one first then the water based one. The creamy one melts faster & the water one is nice & solid when purchased.
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