Rhubarb Outtakes
After the article ran, my neighbork Adele conferred with her friend about rhubarb. They confirmed that rhubarb is in fact a Yankee food and that they've never seen it in a Southern cook book. This quotation of Adele's was a last minute cut: "You all make strawberry rhubarb pie, but we just grew up on strawberry pie and, if we were lucky, wild strawberry pie."
Also, this was the Spoonstress' take on the Rhubarb Lime Rickey: “If I close my eyes, it tastes like I’m drinking limeade." Opening her eyes, she said, "It tastes like pomegranate." Hmm...

Finally, I’d like to point out that my local store was sold out of all rhubarb the weekend before
No word yet on if the shelves will be bare after the column runs (I'm not holding my breath.).
Labels: rhubarb
I LOVE RHUBARB STRAWBERRY PIE!!!! My mom grew it in our (upstate-NY-Yankee) vegetable garden. It flourished in big, hard-to-harvest, stalky shrubs. I remember her warning us to never eat it raw, because it's toxic. Now that I know you're trained in rhubarb cookery, I might have consider the Spoonstress's longstanding insistence that I become your neighbor.
-Spoonfriend (spriend?)
Great news that you're a fellow rhubarb supporter. As you know, loving rhubarb strawberry pie is really the only sensible stance.
You'll be glad to hear I'm making another pie for the 4th of July, to show our friendly neighbork what a slice of Yankee heaven tastes like.
Perhaps one day, you'll be that neighbork. I know we'd all benefit from your rhubarbspertise.
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