Fresh Magnet
You're probably thinking something along those lines. Well friends, you're looking at the latest in food preservation--the ESMoSPHERE, by Singapore's Joven Electric. It keeps food fresher longer by emitting a 15-inch electromagnetic field.
After hearing about the gadget, I wrote about it on my Wasted Food blog. Richard Chua, who works at Joven, saw that and graciously offered to send me one (in addition to a wine-enhancing coaster that speeds the breathing process) all the way from Singapore. Ever the sucker for free gadgets, here I am writing about it.
I have yet to test the ESMoSPHERE, although I bet the fruits pictured were incrementally improved in the taking of these photos. I'll have my team of scientists mock up an experiment (complete with control item) and we'll put the protection zone to the test.
Apparently, I have the seafood model (the meat one is red). Mr. Chua recommends testing it on a brightly-colored whole fish or shrimp. Since I can't say I'd look forward to having one entire fish go past its prime and I won't be catching anything like this, I think I'll try shrimp.
In the meantime, don't tell the board of health or the unsuspecting guests I'll serve. Just kidding...we at the Forkquarters would never pull a stunt like Anthony's of Atlanta.
Labels: esmosphere, gadgets, tools
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