Monday, April 16, 2007

Not So Smooth

I've been on a bit of a smoothie kick lately. It's mostly because we've had raspberries that have remarkably little flavor and aren't worth eating plain. I know, I's not raspberry season yet.

Because I was sick of washing the blender, I decided to try to make a smoothie without our embarassingly old appliance. The decision came out of laziness, but it was more short-sighted than anything. I had to do all that slicing and I still had dishes to wash.

I chopped and smooshed the banana, strawberries, blueberries and--yes--raspberries then dumped the mixture into tupperware at the Spoonstress' suggestion. After adding some milk and orange juice, I shook that container for all it was worth.

The frothy result was a bit lumpy for my liking. As the name suggests, you're not supposed to need to chew anything in a smoothie. You'll notice a big blueberry chunk floating in the photo to the right.

Oh well. At least I now know that I don't take my smoothies like I prefer my peanut butter: chunky.



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