It's the middle of March and I wanted to give a little food progress report. In between thinking about my next column, I've managed to do some eating.
In honor of St. Patrick's Day, I just ate a green salad in a green bowl on our cool green formica table. Nope, I'm not Irish.

One recent dinner that I just had to share was this beautiful
Greek Fritatta that came out more colorful than most restaurant dishes. I was the sous chef on this one, with the Spoonstress calling the shots. If she's not careful, she'll lose her proudly-earned non-gourmet label.
On a non-eating note, my
article on New Haven pizza is in tomorrow's
Washington Post. I dare you to read it without ordering pizza afterwards.

Finally, here's to one of life's simple joys:
Joy ice cream cones, which have turned our house into an ice cream parlor. It's like the best of both worlds--cone excitement with no more ice cream-less last bites. In case you run out of filling, the ice cream's just a few steps away in the freezer!
Our March flavor of choice is Mint Chocolate Chip, but sorry St. Paddy--it's the white kind.
Labels: fritatta, ice cream
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