Musical Meats
Despite a dearth of write-in meat-swapping suggestions, I'm forging ahead with my next column--Musical Meats. I've been brainstorming about what entrees would work with a different meat. For some reason, most of my ideas are pork-based. Since I already transformed chicken pot pie to pork pot pie, I don't want to make other porcine substitutions. Still, pork au vin is tempting.

I have pondered involving seafood, but I ruled that out as not fitting with the column's tentative Musical Meats' title. We'll get there, folks. Meanwhile, keep thinking. The simple criteria: it has to involve taking a well-known dish and changing the main ingredient. If it encourages a catchy name--see pork pot pie--all the better. The author of the best suggestion will be immortalized with an in-column shout out in The Chapel Hill News. For what more could you ask?
Instead of Pulled Pork, try Pulled Chicken. The mediocre BBQ spot around the corner from my apartment makes it, and people seem to love it. Personally, I'm skeptical.
Nate Dog(g),
Thanks for the idea, I'll give that shot. If nothing else, it gives me an excuse to test out the smoker. Glad to hear you have a neighborhood BBQ spot, even if it's mediocre.
Duck Cordon Bleu?
Thanks for the suggestion, SB. That's certainly on the right track, but I'm not sure I could spin a fun name out of it...Then again, I'm sure it would taste better than my Duck, Duck, Goose idea.
A friend recently brought us some chili made with bison meat. I thought she was kidding about the bison thing until I googled it. Turns out, there are some nutritional benefits (or so claim some) to eating bison over other meats. Supposedly, it's lower in fat and cholesterol than beef.
I'm sure everyone else has heard of bison meat except for me, but hey, I learned something new.
A search for "bison recipes" turned up a lot of meat-subsitution ideas. Perhaps the long-haired mammal is your answer?
Hmm...Bison. I like that idea. I'm gonna have to look into this. There are certainly plenty of recipes like bison back ribs and bison pot pie. I'll also have to figure out where I can find such a delight. Thanks, Mamabird.
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