Take 5, or 6
It wasn't for a lack of candy. Yesterday I came across this idea that in our current obesity crisis, one could give toys or trinkets instead of candy. That brings to mind an old expression we had for Halloween do-gooders: Think globally, act locally, get yolked. (Note to kids: I would never throw an egg--I would save and hard boil it.) While this strategy makes incredible sense, I still hate it.
Last night, we had a nice selection: classic Tootsie Rolls, the Spoonstress' fave Swedish Fish and mini Take 5, the best candy out there, bar none. And that includes Hershey's defunct Bar None. Hard to believe that once-proud bar lives only in candy freaks' memories. Witness the elegy of this fan, "insearchofbarnone":
Bar None and I became so close we were like two peas in a pod. It was the only candy bar that I would eat...I can remember having this little dance that I would do just at the thought of getting one, it just made me feel so warm and tingly on the inside.Annnyway...if you can relate to a candy bar dance, you should definitely read Steve Almond's Candyfreak (I steer you to the Amazon link at right). Even if you can't, it's still worth a gander.
Back to the Take 5--Rate It All (.com) lists it as the eighth best bar. With its shrewd union of chocolate-covered pretzels, peanut butter and caramel, there's no way the Take 5 should be outside the top three (I can't really argue with Reese's being number one). But, with candy bars a topic of strong feelings, I'll leave it at that and bid you a 'Happy Grownup Halloween!'
Your post made the Take 5 bar sound so good, that I went out and became perhaps the *only person in the country* to actually buy candy on the day after Halloween.
It was good, but I felt even more guilty than usual snacking, knowing how many pounds of leftover candy were sitting at home....
Take heart, sab. It's not like that candy at home's going anywhere. And thanks to preservatives, it's not going bad this decade.
Besides, there's no need to fret over a Take 5. It's just a pretzel...covered in peanut butter and caramel...then dipped in chocolate.
But it has a reasonable 18 g of sugar, which is probably less than you have in your bowl of cereal and exactly half what you drink in a 12 oz. can of Coke.
T5--spread the word.
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