Monday, November 13, 2006

Banana, Protected

During a late night internet stroll, I came across this useful invention called the Banana Guard. It's the perfect device for those who enjoy eating non-smushed bananas at work, school, etc.
According to their site, a doctor from Vancouver came up with this startlingly simple idea when he opened his lunch bag and found yet another mushy banana. The rest is produce protection history.

While Banana Guards are apparently all the rage in Canada, Wallingford Bicycle Parts in New Orleans is their only US retail outlet. Wallingford also sells them on their site, where they are quite popular with with banana-eating bikers, said store employee Dianne. "We probably sell 50 a month and nobody's ever returned one," Dianne said. "But we're not exactly staking our business on them." Banana Guard also sells the invention direct from their own site.

By Banana Guard's own estimations, 90 percent of today's bananas (including baby ones) fit in the contraption. I've emailed the good people at Banana Guard headquarters for a test copy so I can provide a firsthand report on its usefulness. In the meantime, I'll see if I can keep biting my tongue on the potential jokes.


At November 13, 2006 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. Fork,
Thank you for this important information. Do you know if they provide an over-the-shoulder strap to affix to the banana case? If not, perhaps this is an area that needs further research.

Thank you for your continued commitment to food solutions.

At November 14, 2006 3:55 PM, Blogger JB said...

Dear Banana Lover,
I didn't see any sign of a Banana Guard strap, but it's a solid idea. I'd even say this could be a million dollar opportunity for some young go-getter. Of course, that's after the Banana Guard becomes this year's Tickle Me Elmo. Probably a long shot.

At November 16, 2006 11:11 AM, Blogger Tim said...

Dr. Fork,

I can see how the Banana Guard could protect against jostling, squeezing, grasping or perhaps even twisting. However, I'd like to see how it stands up to whacking, hammering and even crushing forces. Perhaps you could conduct some experiments with your test unit? Maybe even some roof drops a la David Letterman style.

Maybe Consumer Reports has already done crash tests, etc. Either way, we all agree that we dislike flacid, bruised bannans.


At November 19, 2006 12:27 AM, Blogger JB said...

As soon as I get a banana guard, I'm taking it for a test drive. Whacking, roof drops, you name it. Then again, our house is a ranch, so I may have to look for a more Letterman-like roof.

But don't let me stand in your way if you have grand visions...It sounds like you'd also enjoy these tests.


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