Happy Columndays
I know, I know. It's been a while since I wrote an actual column. It's partly because I've been having so much fun on the blog, partly because I've been working on other things and partly because November flew by.
While the 70 degree days may say otherwise, December is here. That means it's time to buy presents. And that means headaches.

I have no idea what items I will include or what ground rules will apply (a ban on the ubiquitous silicone products?). I just know it won't be anything too intellectual. Please send along your suggestions in the form of comments. And oh yeah, Happy December!
Great website. And I'm not just saying that because your dad told me to check it out and because he does my yearly review.
I know someone with a fabulous collection of antique kitchenalia that could be compared to the tools of today, if one had an historical bent.
Ladies and gentlemen, Papa Fork! Thanks for the offer, but I'm sticking with present day kitchenalia this month. "Kitchen Kitsch" would make a decent column title, though. In the future, perhaps...
So, let me understand, you'll do the past in the future?
Possibly. At present, I can't commit to doing the future in the past. I'll reconsider it in the upcoming weeks.
Jon, I always love a web-surfing challenge. I found a funny food-related website, www.baronbob.com, and I think you should check it out.
My favorite items: the "Holy Toast" bread stamper (see the Virgin Mary in your breakfast!), the Lollypop Lick-O-Meter (how many licks DOES it take?), and the Octodog Frankfurter Converter (when only an octupus-shaped hot dog will do).
Can't wait to read your next column!
Mamabird, you've done it again! I especially like the Octodog contraption for its refusal to bow to the 'thou shall not play with thine food' edict.
If your site wasn't way better than mine and my blog made any money, I'd hire you as the Fork & Spoon web researcher.
Mmmm...octodog and whipped cream.
I read your sarcasm loud and clear, nh. Whipped cream and hot dogs, as seen in this Octodog photo, is just pretty nasty.
If that's supposed to be a squid attacking a submarine, is the whipped cream the foamy ocean? We'll have to ask Baron Bob.
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