You Got Cilantro on my Tortilla!

I was satisfying my weekly burrito fix and had some extras on the side of the plate to spice up each bite. There were banana peppers, a puddle of hot sauce and some chopped cilantro.
Now, for the serendipity: The phone rang and in my haste to get it, I knocked the hot burrito atop some cilantro. When I returned to my plate, I realized that the herbs underneath had become steam-smushed (technical term) into the tortilla. I had created cilantro-encrusted tortillas!
Not surprisingly, they were delicious. I've yet to have something that wasn't enhanced by fresh cilantro. The tuna fish sandwich--that vile concoction--is even elevated to palatable when mingled with apple slices and cilantro.
My discovery owed much to chance, like candymaker H.B. Reese's invention of the magic mixture of peanut butter and chocolate. Or at least how those Tastes Great! Less Filling!-like Reese's ads from the 80's depicted it ("You got chocolate in my peanut butter!" "You got peanut butter on my chocolate!"). Here's a fun variation on the theme.
I'm not sure if anyone will ever shoot an ad for Bloom's Cilantro Tortillas, but I do know I'm rolling my next burrito in the dazzling green herb. And for the record, it was definitely the tortilla that got in the cilantro.
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