Grains of Wisdom

Peter's soliloquy stands on its own:
"As a dorm room expatriate, I’m still stuck in the routine of eating cereal for most meals and snacks throughout the week. So, to get a better mix of the healthy things I need, I decided to mix it all together. The best way to get protein and good grains with a little dried fruit action is granola. Now, granola at the store comes in a smaller box and is twice as much as the Oats-n-More (Food Lion’s version of Honey Bunches of Oats) I was used to buying. That opened me up to the idea of thinking beyond a box (sadly, that pun was intended) and making granola for myself.
Also, the box granola didn’t give me everything that I wanted. I can submit to not adding things to my Lucky Charms because I don’t have the necessary equipment to create magically-delicious purple horseshoes, but with granola, there isn’t anything in there that I can’t buy at any grocery store."
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