Monday, September 18, 2006

Testing the Tiny: Munchkin Grapes

For my upcoming column (Cute Fruit), I’m trying three toy versions of familiar fruits. First up: pimple-sized grapes. Actually currants or Zante Currant grapes, these miniatures are about one-fourth the size of a normal red grape.

Of course, the name Zante Currant Table Grapes won’t do in today’s marketing-heavy supermarket. Would you rather eat a kiwi fruit or a Chinese gooseberry (their original name)? That’s what I thought. On that logic, Garrett Brothers Inc. has dubbed them Munchkins. In my world, munchkins are either Wizard of Oz shorties or Dunkin' Donuts doughnut holes. There’s really no comparison between the latter and these currants. Little grapes, I grew up with Munchkins, I know Munchkins, Munchkins are a friend of mine. Little grapes, you are no Munchkins.

On the plus side, grapes are tad healthier than doughnut bites. Even cooler, the stems are fully edible. Or at least the smaller ones are. While I felt a bit like a goat biting into both stem and grape, Garrett Brothers’ clever slogan “You can eat a whole bunch!” is accurate.

Munchkins definitely have a different flavor than most grapes; they’re sharper and tarter. But I find them too puny to get a full handle on the flavor, just like M&M’s Minis. Besides, aren't grapes small enough already? There’s a reason Dunkin' Donuts doesn’t offer Mini Munchkins (and it’s not because the name would be redundant).


At October 03, 2006 10:35 AM, Blogger Tim said...

Oddly enough, I feel like a goat most of the time and I've never had the pleasure of munching a bunch of minature grapes.

I am inspired.


At October 03, 2006 11:17 AM, Blogger JB said...

Thanks, Tim. That's what I'm here for--to encourage and inspire goat-like eating.


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