Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Only in America

Bored on a recent flight, I opened up the in-flight shopping guide. Flipping through the usual mix of fogless mirrors and other useless contraptions, I stopped on the Popup Hot Dog Cooker.

Now I enjoy a good hot dog (Nathan’s) once in while, but this item is just silly. I recognize that it would be fun to push down two cold dogs and buns and have them pop up cooked. But taking a step back, who wants a toasted hot dog? There's a reason you broil, boil, grill or even use this device, but never toast hot dogs.

Another thought: who is eating hot dogs so often they need a dedicated appliance? If Hammacher Schlemmer ever did a TV ad for this gem, it'd feature plenty of hefty bachelors. But seriously, men, do you have the counter space for this? Where will you put the egg poaching toaster?

Did I mention this thing costs $50? I guess when you're eating hot dogs frequently enough to warrant this device, you have some disposable income.


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